chronometer(); // start the clock if ($zip1 == $zip2) return 0; // same zip code means 0 miles between. :) // get details from database about each zip and exit if there is an error $details1 = $this->get_zip_point($zip1); $details2 = $this->get_zip_point($zip2); if ($details1 == false) { $this->last_error = "No details found for zip code: $zip1"; return false; } if ($details2 == false) { $this->last_error = "No details found for zip code: $zip2"; return false; } // calculate the distance between the two points based on the lattitude // and longitude pulled out of the database. $miles = $this->calculate_mileage($details1[0], $details2[0], $details1[1], $details2[1]); $this->last_time = $this->chronometer(); if ($this->units == _UNIT_KILOMETERS) return round($miles * _M2KM_FACTOR, $this->decimals); else return round($miles, $this->decimals); // must be miles } function get_zip_details($zip) { global $connection; // This function pulls the details from the database for a // given zip code. $sql = "SELECT lat AS lattitude, lon AS longitude, city, county, state_prefix, state_name, area_code, time_zone FROM zip_code WHERE zip_code='$zip'"; //echo $sql; $r = mysqli_query($connection, $sql) or die("dead:".mysqli_connect_error($connection)); if (!$r) { $this->last_error = ''; return false; } else { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC); return $row; } } function get_zip_point($zip) { global $connection; // This function pulls just the lattitude and longitude from the // database for a given zip code. $sql = "SELECT lat, lon from zip_code WHERE zip_code='$zip'"; $r = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); exit();} if (!$r) { $this->last_error = 'errorthis'; return false; } else { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($r); return $row; } } function calculate_mileage($lat1, $lat2, $lon1, $lon2) { // used internally, this function actually performs that calculation to // determine the mileage between 2 points defined by lattitude and // longitude coordinates. This calculation is based on the code found // at // Convert lattitude/longitude (degrees) to radians for calculations $lat1 = deg2rad($lat1); $lon1 = deg2rad($lon1); $lat2 = deg2rad($lat2); $lon2 = deg2rad($lon2); // Find the deltas $delta_lat = $lat2 - $lat1; $delta_lon = $lon2 - $lon1; // Find the Great Circle distance $temp = pow(sin($delta_lat/2.0),2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * pow(sin($delta_lon/2.0),2); $distance = 3956 * 2 * atan2(sqrt($temp),sqrt(1-$temp)); return $distance; } function get_zips_in_range($zip, $range, $sort=_ZIPS_SORT_BY_DISTANCE_ASC, $include_base,$commonname) { global $connection; // returns an array of the zip codes within $range of $zip. Returns // an array with keys as zip codes and values as the distance from // the zipcode defined in $zip. $this->chronometer(); // start the clock $details = $this->get_zip_point($zip); // base zip details if ($details == false) return false; // This portion of the routine calculates the minimum and maximum lat and // long within a given range. This portion of the code was written // by Jeff Bearer ( This significanly decreases // the time it takes to execute a query. My demo took 3.2 seconds in // v1.0.0 and now executes in 0.4 seconds! Greate job Jeff! // Find Max - Min Lat / Long for Radius and zero point and query // only zips in that range. $lat_range = $range/69.172; $lon_range = abs($range/(cos($details[0]) * 69.172)); $min_lat = number_format($details[0] - $lat_range, "4", ".", ""); $max_lat = number_format($details[0] + $lat_range, "4", ".", ""); $min_lon = number_format($details[1] - $lon_range, "4", ".", ""); $max_lon = number_format($details[1] + $lon_range, "4", ".", ""); $return = array(); // declared here for scope $sql = "SELECT zip_code, lat, lon,state_prefix,city FROM zip_code "; if (!$include_base) $sql .= "WHERE zip_code <> '$zip' AND "; else $sql .= "WHERE "; $sql .= "lat BETWEEN '$min_lat' AND '$max_lat' AND lon BETWEEN '$min_lon' AND '$max_lon'"; $r = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); if (!$r) { // sql error $this->last_error = 'thiserror'; return false; } else { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($r)) { // loop through all 40 some thousand zip codes and determine whether // or not it's within the specified range. $dist = $this->calculate_mileage($details[0],$row[1],$details[1],$row[2]); if ($this->units == _UNIT_KILOMETERS) $dist = $dist * _M2KM_FACTOR; if ($dist <= $range) { $return[str_pad($row[0], 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)] = round($dist, $this->decimals); $returnreplace[str_pad($row[0], 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $row[4].','.$row[3]; $returnreplacelatlong[str_pad($row[0], 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $row[4].','.$row[3].','.$row[1].','.$row[2]; $returnreplacearray[str_pad($row[0], 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)] = array('City'=>$row[4],'State'=>$row[3],'lat'=>$row[1],'Long'=>$row[2]); } } } // sort array switch($sort) { case _ZIPS_SORT_BY_DISTANCE_ASC: asort($return); break; case _ZIPS_SORT_BY_DISTANCE_DESC: arsort($return); break; case _ZIPS_SORT_BY_ZIP_ASC: ksort($return); break; case _ZIPS_SORT_BY_ZIP_DESC: krsort($return); break; } if($commonname==1){ foreach($return as $z => $a){ $return[$z]=$returnreplace[$z]; } } if($commonname==2){ foreach($return as $z => $a){ $return[$z]=$returnreplacearray[$z]; } } $this->last_time = $this->chronometer(); if (empty($return)) return false; return $return; } function chronometer() { // chronometer function taken from the php manual. This is used primarily // for debugging and anlyzing the functions while developing this class. $now = microtime(TRUE); // float, in _seconds_ $now = $now + time(); $malt = 1; $round = 7; if ($this->last_time > 0) { /* Stop the chronometer : return the amount of time since it was started, in ms with a precision of 3 decimal places, and reset the start time. We could factor the multiplication by 1000 (which converts seconds into milliseconds) to save memory, but considering that floats can reach e+308 but only carry 14 decimals, this is certainly more precise */ $retElapsed = round($now * $malt - $this->last_time * $malt, $round); $this->last_time = $now; return $retElapsed; } else { // Start the chronometer : save the starting time $this->last_time = $now; return 0; } } } ?> '.$catname.''."\n"; } if($todisplay=='TXT'){ $caldata .=$catname."\n=========================\n\n"; } for($i=0;$i<$days;$i++){ if($today==date('m d y',strtotime("+$i day ",$nowstart))){ #$color = '#FFCCCC'; $fcolor = '#000000'; } else { $color = ''; $fcolor = ''; } } if($this->getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart),$cat,'1',$zip,$days,$todisplay)!=''){ if($todisplay=='HTML'){ $caldata .= '
This Weeks Events
'; } if($todisplay=='TXT'){ $caldata .= "++THIS WEEKS EVENTS\n"; $caldata .= $this->getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart),$cat,'1',$zip,$days,$todisplay); } } /*if($this->getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart),$cat,'2',$zip,$days,$todisplay)!=''){ if($todisplay=='HTML'){ $caldata .= '
Ongoing Events / Registrations
'.$this->getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart ),$cat,'2',$zip,$days,$todisplay).'
'; } if($todisplay=='TXT'){ $caldata .= "\n++ONGOING EVENTS/REGISTRATIONS\n"; $caldata .= $this->getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart ),$cat,'2',$zip,$days,$todisplay); } } */ if($this->getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart ),$cat,'3',$zip,$days,$todisplay)!=''){ if($todisplay=='HTML'){ $caldata .= '
Next Few Weeks
'.$this->getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart ),$cat,'3',$zip,$days,$todisplay).'
'; } if($todisplay=='TXT'){ $caldata .="\n++NEXT FEW WEEKS\n"; $caldata .= $this->getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart),$cat,'3',$zip,$days,$todisplay); } } ##
if($todisplay=='HTML'){ } return $caldata; } ##########FET EVENTS FUNCTION############ function getevents($whichtime,$whichcat,$whichmode,$basezip,$length,$howdisplay){ file_put_contents('/tmp/variable.txt','getevents '.$whichtime.$whichcat.$whichmode.$basezip.$length.$howdisplay."\n\n",FILE_APPEND); #getevents(strtotime("today",$nowstart ),$cat,'3',$zip,$days,$todisplay) #$tocal .= 'whichmode'.$whichmode.' '.date("m d y G:i a",$whichtime).' '.$whichtime; global $sysvar; global $connection; $qispaid = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT paid_cat from news_categories where news_cat_id='$whichcat'"); $rispaid = mysqli_fetch_array($qispaid); if($rispaid[paid_cat]=='Y'){ $forpaid = "and news_paid='P' "; } else { } if($whichmode==1){ ##$tocal .= 'amode1'; if($rispaid[paid_cat]=='N'){ $query = "SELECT * from news_items LEFT JOIN organizations on news_items.news_organization=organizations.org_id where news_story_released='Y' and news_category='$whichcat' and ( (news_expiration>=$whichtime and news_expiration<($whichtime+(86399*$length))) or (news_start_date>=$whichtime and news_start_date<($whichtime+(86399*$length))) or (news_start_date<=$whichtime and news_expiration>=($whichtime+(86399*$length))) ) and news_basezip='$basezip' order by news_expiration"; } if($rispaid[paid_cat]=='Y'){ $query = "SELECT * from news_items LEFT JOIN organizations on news_items.news_organization=organizations.org_id where news_story_released='Y' and news_category='$whichcat' and ( (news_expiration>=$whichtime and news_start_listing<=$whichtime ) ) and news_basezip='$basezip' and news_paid='P' order by news_expiration"; } file_put_contents('/tmp/variable.txt','PAIDCAT:'.$query."\n\n",FILE_APPEND); } if($whichmode==2){ ##$tocal .= 'mode2'; $endtime = $whichtime+(($length*86400)-1); $query = "SELECT * from news_items LEFT JOIN organizations on news_items.news_organization=organizations.org_id where news_story_released='Y' and news_category='$whichcat' and ((news_start_date>'$whichtime' and news_start_date<'$endtime') or (news_expiration>'$whichtime' and news_expiration<'$endtime')) and news_basezip='$basezip' and news_style='Multi-Day' $forpaid order by news_expiration"; } if($whichmode==3){ ##$tocal .= 'mode3'; $starttime = $whichtime+(($length*86400)); $endtime = $starttime+((($length+14)*86400)); if($rispaid[paid_cat]=='N'){ $query = "(SELECT * from news_items LEFT JOIN organizations on news_items.news_organization=organizations.org_id where news_story_released='Y' and news_category='$whichcat' and ((news_start_date>'$starttime' and news_start_date<'$endtime')) and news_basezip='$basezip' $forpaid ) order by news_expiration"; } #$query = $query." order by news_expiration"; } ##begin whichmode 1 if($getlisting = mysqli_query($connection,$query)){ #$tocal .= $query; if(mysqli_num_rows($getlisting)==0){return '';} else { ##begin while loop while($listingret = mysqli_fetch_array($getlisting)){ if($howdisplay=='HTML'){ $tocal .= '
'; ###BLUE BOX $tocal .= '
'; if($listingret[news_style]=='Multi-Day'){ $tocal .= strtoupper(date("D<\b\\r>M j<\b\\r>g:i a",$listingret[news_start_date])); } if($listingret[news_style]=='Single-Day' || $listingret[news_style]==''){ $tocal .= strtoupper(date("D<\b\\r>M j<\b\\r>g:i a",$listingret[news_start_date])); } $tocal .= '
'; ##BLUEBOX CLOSE #Whichtime='.date("m d y",$whichtime).'Starttime='.date("m d y",$starttime).' Endtime'.date("m d y",$endtime).'

'.$query; $tocal .= '


isemail!='true'){ $tocal .= ' class="biginfo" >'; error_log("is set to true",0); }else{ error_log("is set to false",0); $tocal .=' >'; } $getseries = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * From news_items where series_id='$listingret[series_id]'"); if(mysqli_num_rows($getseries)>1){ $tocal .= '
'.mysqli_num_rows($getseries).' in this Series'; $tocal .= "
"; } ##open Dates $tocal .='
'; if($listingret[news_style]=='Multi-Day'){ $tocal .= date("D M j,y g:i a",$listingret[news_start_date]).'
'.date("D M j, y g:i a",$listingret[news_expiration]); if(stripslashes($listingret[news_time])!=""){$tocal .=' | '. stripslashes($listingret[news_time]).' ';} } if($listingret[news_style]=='Single-Day' || $listingret[news_style]==''){ $tocal .= date("D M j,y g:i a",$listingret[news_start_date]).'
'.date("D M j, y g:i a",$listingret[news_expiration]); if(stripslashes($listingret[news_time])!=""){$tocal .=' | '. stripslashes($listingret[news_time]).' ';} } $tocal .= '
'; ##close Dates ##begin Address if($listingret[news_location]!=''){ $tocal .= '
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'.'MAP'; $tocal .= "
"; } #if($listingret[news_admission]!=''){ $tocal .= '$'.stripslashes($listingret[news_admission]);} ##En ADdress ##begin Ticketing if($listingret[news_needticketing]=='Y'){ $tocal .= "
"; #$bigtotal = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT IFNULL(SUM(num_avail),0) as bigtotal FROM `news_ticket_breakdown` WHERE is_active='1' and news_series_id='".$listingret[series_id]."'"); $bigtotal = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT IFNULL((news_tickets),0) as bigtotal FROM `news_items` WHERE series_id='".$listingret[series_id]."'"); $bigtotal2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($bigtotal); $tocal .= '#'.$bigtotal2[bigtotal] .' / '; if(!$totals = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT ((SELECT IFNULL((news_tickets),0) FROM `news_items` WHERE series_id='".$listingret[series_id]."')-(SELECT IFNULL(SUM(quantity),0) from ticket_ordering where (event_id='".$listingret[series_id]."' and refunded='0')) ) as Test")){ $tocal .= mysqli_error($totals); }else{ #$tocal .= "success"; #$tocal .= mysqli_num_rows($totals); $gettotal = mysqli_fetch_assoc($totals); #$tocal .= print_r($getttoal); $tocal .= $gettotal[Test]; } $tocal .= '
'; } ##END TICKETING ##BEGIN PRICING $getpricing = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * from news_ticket_breakdown where news_series_id='$listingret[series_id]' and is_active=1"); if($num = mysqli_num_rows($getpricing)>0){ $tocal .= '
PRICING:'; if($listingret[news_needticketing]=='Y'){ $tocal .= '
'; } ##close pricing block $tocal .= '
'; if($num = mysqli_num_rows($getpricing)>0){ while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($getpricing)){ $tocal .= ''.$row[age_group_desc].': $'.$row[amount].'
'; } } $tocal .= '
'; $tocal .= '
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';} if($listingret[news_web]!=''){ $tocal .=' WebSite
';} if($listingret[news_phone]!=''){$tocal .=''.$listingret[news_phone];} $tocal .= '
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'; } $tocal .= '
'; if(1==2 && ($whichmode!='2' || $listingret[news_style]!='Multi-Day')){$tocal .='
  | '; } $tocal .='
'; if($_SESSION[usr_id]!=''){ $tocal .= 'REMIND ME OF EVENT'; $tocal .='
'; } else { $tocal .= 'REMIND ME OF EVENT'; $tocal .='
'; } ##added DIV ##close actionbox $tocal .='
'; ##close $tocal .='
'; $tocal .=''; #$tocal .= ''; } if($howdisplay=='TXT'){ $tocal .="------------------------------\n"; $tocal .="EVENT TITLE: ".$listingret[news_title]." -- ".$listingret[org_name]."\n"; $tocal .="EVENT TIME: "; if($listingret[news_style]=='Multi-Day'){ $tocal .= date("D M j,y g:i a",$listingret[news_start_date]).' - '.date("D M j, y g:i a",$listingret[news_expiration]).' | '. stripslashes($listingret[news_time])."\n"; } if($listingret[news_style]=='Single-Day' || $listingret[news_style]==''){ $tocal .= date("D M j,y g:i a",$listingret[news_start_date]).' - '.date("D M j, y g:i a",$listingret[news_expiration]).' | '. stripslashes($listingret[news_time])."\n"; } if($listingret[news_location]!=''){ $tocal .= "NEWS LOCATION: ".stripslashes($listingret[news_location]).','.stripslashes($listingret[news_location_zip])."\n"; } if($listingret[news_admission]!=''){ $tocal .= "ADMISSION: ".'$'.stripslashes($listingret[news_admission])."\n";} if($listingret[news_contact]!=''){ $tocal .= "CONTACT:".stripslashes($listingret[news_contact])."\n"; } if($listingret[news_email]!=''){ $tocal .= "EMAIL: ".$listingret[news_email]."\n";} if($listingret[news_web]!=''){ $tocal .="WEBSITE: ".$this->addhttp(stripslashes($listingret[news_web]))."\n";} if($listingret[news_phone]!=''){$tocal .="PHONE: ".$listingret[news_phone]."\n\n";} $tocal .= nl2br($listingret[news_story])."\n"; $tocal .="------------------------------\n\n"; } } ##END WHILE LOOP return $tocal; } ## END ELSE FOR QUERY } ## END IN on INITAL QUERY else { return mysqli_error($connection); } } } class ZipFunctions{ function ziptoName($wzip){ global $connection; $query = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT city,state_prefix from zip_code where zip_code='$wzip'"); $return = mysqli_fetch_array($query); return $return[city].', '.$return[state_prefix]; } } function generatePassword($length) { $salt = "abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxy1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXY#!"; $i = 0; while ($i < $length) { $num = rand(0,63); $tmp = substr($salt, $num, 1); $pass = $pass . $tmp; $i++; } return 'q'.$pass.'z'; } ?>